This blog is made by the Atheist who is strongly for Logic, reason, rationality, and morality. He pins down against things like the war on drugs, prostitution, porn, and oppoisition against the death penalty, oposition against gay marriage and so much more.
Thursday, October 14, 2010
money saving rescue!
1) Have a goal in mind.
If you’re planning to saving money, you have to think about what it is you’re saving it for. What exactly are your goals you wish to do or get? Make a list of things you would want to do and starting saving them up.
2) Think about why you want to achieve that goal.
The troublesome thing people do is spending money just because something looks good to have or something else. Never buy something unless it’s worth buying. Let’s say you want to work out and you want exercise equipment. You see something that looks benefitting to you. Think it over and if it’s want you want, then make that your goal. Let’s say you have a love for Japan and you want to travel there. Think about what it is you wanted to do there, do some research and figure out the costs for everything you need for the flight, someplace to stay, food to eat and possibly souvenirs. I’ve been told this wise advice; think before you act. So take that advice, think before you act. I can’t tell you how many times I didn’t think before I acted and that was a major mistake. I looked at all of the things I’ve owned and regretted buying most of it.
3) Got financial problems? Work on that first, then fun.
Remember how it is when your parents say, “No tv unless you did your homework?” Well, this is the same, take care of your problems before anything else. The troublesome thing people do is try to handle too much while trying to have fun. Think before you act.
4) Don’t drink, smoke or do drugs.
Yes I know, you’ve heard it all before and that pisses you off. But here’s the thing, they are expensive and they will keep your money flowing a lot slower. Think before you act.
5) Don’t be a junkie.
No not the drug junkie (Although you shouldn’t do drugs either), I’m talking video game junkie, movie junkie and such. It’s fine to like video games, movies, books and such. But you got to start using your head. The biggest mistake I made was that I was constantly buying video games, books, and movies. It kept me from making money and often times, they were a waste. Sure there’s some games I have that was excellent and some movies are excellent as well. Hell, I even tried to collect all the series of books. But you got to figure, would it really be worth it? I’m not sure if it would have been worth it if I start buying world of warcraft, so I didn’t.
6) Be sure to make a list and write things down.
Let’s say you have a job that pays you 700 per month. I know, I know, that sucks ass. But you have to look at it from this point of view, it’s better to be realistic and figure out how to do things rather than live in la-la land.
If you’re going to live in an apartment, I would suggest not just the cheapest apartment, but apartment with free utility. Paying electric bills is a nightmare. I lived in a tiny apartment that is not cheap only because it was the only cheap apartment nearby. I didn’t have free utility and it cost me over 300 dollars in utility for few months. I was ballistic, outrage, and I deeply hated the electric companies. So make sure you figure out the digits before you take an apartment.
You’re going to need to eat. One of my biggest pet peeve is buying food you are not going to eat and would eventually throw away. Never, ever buy food unless you’re going to eat it. I’ve seen people’s refrigerator and half of the food is going bad. Buy what you will eat otherwise you’re just wasting money. Food costs money and they ain’t cheap! Go cheap, buy what you want to eat. My advice is go to different stores, match up prices of the food item, get the cheapest one.
You’re going to need cleaning supplies and personal supplies. My advice is this, don’t go for the best or something that looks cool. Just get what is necessary.
I don’t know about you, but I would never buy a car. Cars are a major money suckers. They are extremely expensive, they need constant repairs and they need gas all the time. Get a ride, buy a bike, take a taxi or a bus fare. This isn’t to say you can’t buy a car, this is to say that buying the car right away would just hurt your finances. Although, there is some vehicles that runs on electric and there’s the human car where you’re the energy to the car and it can save you a bunch. They may not be cheap, but if you’re interested, start saving up.
Stay away from the fast food joint. I know, even I go there because they’re tempting and I get careless. Go a little as possible but eat at home. Trust me when I say this, that $1 whopper would be worth 8 hamburgers if you buy them at the store.
As for clothes, don’t buy stuff you think it’s cool, buy what you need. I noticed that people binge on clothes and it starts piling everywhere in the house or the apartment. Never do that. Buy what is necessary.
For electronic equipment, books, games, movies and fun stuff there is, buy sparingly and be sure if this is what you really need.
Then for the 700 dollars per month, you may be spending 200 dollars on the stuff, 400 per month on the rent. That’ll be $100 left. Yes I know, that’s outrageous. This is important; know your math, figure out how you can earn a lot more. That is the point of this. Nothing is easy.
7) Go to school.
If you go through college or community college, you may be able to find a job that pays a lot more than you get with the crappy job you have now. Stick with it. My advice is this, never go working in a job where the hours are ever-changing. It makes it harder to go to school and find a second job.
8) Get a second job.
That can be an effective way to save money. My advice would be this; one job for important things, another would be for the goals.
9) Make an emergency money plan.
The idea is to try saving up money, putting it safely away for any emergency you might have. Keep saving up on it.
Don’t start going out with someone and go, “Let’s get married and have a bunch of kids.” That is a recipe for disaster! You’re not going to earn a lot of money this way. Wedding costs a lot of money, divorce costs a lot of money, child support costs a lot of money, child rearing costs even more money! Think before you act.
Don’t misunderstand me, I’m not saying you shouldn’t have kids or get married, I’m saying you shouldn’t rush headlong into marriage and kids. Plan things out, figure out the digits and how you can manage them. They’re too expensive, so think before you act.
Friday, July 30, 2010
NEWS FLASH - comedy
Sunday, June 20, 2010
Why i hate Arizona
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
how to be a crazy animal rights activist
Monday, June 7, 2010
Circumcision is repulsive.
Circumcision is repulsive.
I personally hate circumcision 100% and find it to be unnecessary, sickening, retarded and pointless. I do not understand why some people would think that circumcision is a good thing.
“Oh I had my dick cut and I don’t remember any pain.” “I like cut dicks, foreskins are repulsive, don’t keep that nasty looking thing!” “My religion teaches us that it’s needed. It’s part of the tradition.”
Just because you don’t remember being in pain, does not make it alright. What if the tradition was to slap you across the face hard because your parents thinks that it’ll rattle demons out of you so that they won’t make you sin and if you cry, they may think it’ll keep the demons away as well, would you accept that even if you won’t remember it? It would make any rational person faint at the sight of that form of abuse and call it a tradition.
Just because someone’s traditional beliefs was that babies should be circumcised doesn’t mean that we should accept it or impose it onto others. It’s sad that people try to make up reasons for circumcisions and yet fail at providing reasonable evidence on the contrary.
“Women likes it better that way, foreskins are disgusting, it looks better cut.”
Personal likes and dislikes are in no way a reasonable excuse to cut children’s dick. What if someone thinks tattooing a symbol on an infant thinking it’ll protect them from being possessed by demons and it looks sexy? Sorry, but that’s just plain stupid.
“It was to stop them from masturbating.”
Oh no, the … SIN! (Dramatic chord from monty python) seriously, that is the most stupidest thing ever to circumcise your child. What does it matter to you if he jerks off? He’ll still jerk off even if he’s circumcised. What, are you going to put your hand down his drawers and demand him never to do as he pleases with his own body? What is wrong with loving our own body? Because some imaginary sky daddy would get pissed? If there is a God, he can suck my cock for all I care, I’m not going to allow anyone to have any control over my own body. Especially not by some character written on a piece of paper.
“It has medical benefits.”
So foreskins attracts diseases like moths to a flame right? Wrong! Whether you’re circumcised or not, you will still get diseases no matter what. Your brain can get cancer, your heart can get cancer, your lungs can get cancer and you don’t see anyone taking them out. As long as we take care of ourselves, we’ll be more likely to be healthy than not.
“I worry that he’ll get teased.”
The only thing Johnny is going to be teased about between his legs is how small it looks, not that it’s circumcised or not. I’ve never seen any kids going, “Ha, ha he’s got a cut dick, he’s got a cut dick,” or “His dick’s not cut, his dick’s not cut.” Never happened. I know this to be true because I’ve been in the locker rooms a lot when in school. No matter what, kids will get teased for countless of things and there is nothing you can do to prevent it initiatively.
“I want him to look like his daddy.”
No rational human being would ever think that this idea is at all good. There is not a single reason for boys to look like their daddy. I have never met a single boy who ever said, “How come I don’t look like my dad?” No child gives a fuck that they don’t look like their dad, it’s not even necessary. You never hear a talk show host going, “Oh the boy is concerned that he looks nothing like his father because he has an uncircumcised penis while his father does.” Sorry, never happens.
“I heard that it’s sanitary.”
And I heard that if you rub chicken’s blood on you, it’ll cure the leprosy right up. Oh, what? It’s bullshit? Oh well. The point is, it’s not that difficult to clean your dick and the boy will learn on his own how to clean it. What are you so afraid of? That he’ll have total control of his own body and you rather he be your little puppet? I’ve never been told to keep it clean, but I decided to clean it all on my own and have no problems whatsoever.
“Women likes cut dicks.”
Some women do, some don’t, but just because someone likes something, doesn’t mean that you should do it. Some women likes bondage, does that mean we have to do sex bondage? No! It’s just a matter of personal interest. When it comes down to the major interest in a community, people would likely to think this is of the norm. Of course women are going to like cut dicks because circumcision is the norm. But keep in mind that just because they like it doesn’t mean that they should do circumcise the babies. When are we ever going to start realizing that your own personal interest is your own personal interest and not everyone has to adopt the interest of the majority just because they like it?
“I have a son who circumcised and he doesn’t have any problem being circumcised.”
If I have been circumcised, I too would think there wasn’t any problem with it. However, note that I didn’t say I would have researched it beforehand. If I was circumcised and did my research, I would have been pissed. I’m not sure if the sons who thought it was perfectly fine have done any research, but many men are not pleased with being cut at birth against their own will.
“It’s in the baby’s best interests.”
Ah yes, just like slapping the infant was in the baby’s best interest because you want it to be free of some imaginary demons. I know what’s in the baby’s best interest and it doesn’t involve circumcision! In no way does circumcision sound like something babies need. Also, note that there are botched circumcisions and this one girl found out that she is actually a boy whose circumcision went wrong. Start telling her/him that it was in their best interest.
“Who are you to decide what others should do with their children?”
So if a parent abuses a baby or neglects them medical help because they think praying will cure them, we should just let them? Keep in mind that I’m not trying to say that the parents are abusive or cruel people, they’re good people thinking about what’s best for their child. It’s just that they hadn’t realized that there isn’t a logical reason for circumcision.
Overall, circumcised dicks and uncircumcised dicks are mostly the same in every way, minus one without the foreskin. Both can get diseases, both are still enjoyable during sex, both men can still masturbate, people still find them attractive, and it is still easy to clean anyway. So circumcision has no special benefits that a uncircumcised penis doesn’t have, minus losing thousands of nerve endings in the foreskin.
Monday, May 31, 2010
people who hates humanity are stupid.
Saturday, May 29, 2010
Whale Wars and why i think it's a joke.
Thursday, May 6, 2010
environmentalists are wrong.
Sunday, May 2, 2010
the intense stupidity of people.
Sunday, March 28, 2010
Strip club dos and don’ts.
1. Show the strippers respect! Never touch them unless they give you a permission and when they do something for you, keep your hands to yourself unless she wants you to touch her. I’ve had women do some really sexy things for me, but I always kept my hands to myself. Disrespectfully touching them will get your ass kicked out.
2. When speaking to them, be kind and courteous. Do not call them a whore or a slut, do not ask them for a date, do not give out your personal information and never demand sex. You can speak to them, but keep the conversation short. They’re here to make money, not be your personal dancer.
3. Remember, they’re doing this for the money, not because they like you personally. If a waitress serves you your food, did you think she is doing this because she wants to date you? No, so why would you expect them to? I know that they don’t care about me, they are just doing this for the money.
4. Be a gentleman. These women are not going to be pleased if you act like a chauvinistic pig! If you can’t behave yourself, don’t get mad if the bouncer bounces your ass out of the club.
5. When going to a strip club, be sure to always balance the budget! It’s important that you do so! If you don’t have enough to pay to get into the club and to tip the strippers, waitresses or the bartenders, don’t bother coming until you can afford it. Be sure to know how much you’re going to spend. Never spend your whole paycheck. It would not do you justice.
6. Keep in mind that these women are doing this for various of reasons and some are to pay for college or to take care of their kids for example.
7. They’re not harlots, they’re strippers. Sex is not part of the strip club. Go to the brothel if you want sex.
8. They’re people too, they have feelings, they have lives and they’re not here to be treated like shit. Never degrade them or lower their self esteem.
Monday, January 25, 2010
5 reasons not to have children.
1) If you are going to dedicate your life to a career, travel, or anything that is so time consuming, then don't have children. Children are a full time job and they require a lot of attention. I mean A LOT of attention.
2) Say goodbye to your money. All your hard earnings are going to run like the waterfalls. You need to spend thousands on clothes, food, education, medical bills, dental bills, and many things. If you're poor, don't even THINK about having kids. That is one big major mistake poor parents make.
3) If you can't stand the yelling, screaming, crying kids and you consider them a nuisance, don't have kids. Trust me on this one, having kids will turn you into a bad parent whether you intended to be or not.
4) There is already a lot of children without homes, so instead of popping out a mini you, try thinking about adopting if you plan on being a parent. But i would ask you to test yourself and learn to see if you're fit enough to be a parent financially, emotionally, psychologically, and psychically.
5) Don't have kids if you don't know how to be a parent. Learn before you even THINK about popping out little minatures of yourself.
Saturday, January 23, 2010
i don't like bowling or golf.
1) They're boring.
2) They are not exciting as people makes it out to be.
One thing i don't like about bowling is the gutters. Everytime i bowl, my stupid ball keeps going into the fucking gutter more times than hitting the fucking pins. I wanted to grab a shotgun and shoot the motherfucking pins.
No, it's not because i wanted to win, it's because i can hardly enjoy bowling when the ball keeps going to the gutter too many times.
One thing i don't like about Golf is that it is a stressful game. I don't like stressful games. Why is it stressful? Try fucking getting your ball to the fucking path where you wanted it to go. Fuck that shit.
Again, it's not about the winning. I don't give a fuck when i win or lose, i just can't have fun when the ball goes the wrong way you wanted it to.
I'm just not a bowler type or a golfer type. I'm a type of guy who writes stuff, debates people, I like to make animations and little movies like with the Sims, i like to travel places but i am not a sports type, unless you count Kendo and martial arts. Those are the ones i like best.
Friday, January 22, 2010
reasons why I choose to remain single
Why the hell should I get into a relationship anyway? What business is it of theirs? I own my own body and my decision is my own to make. I choose to remain single for several great reasons.
When it comes to the noises, it’s actually much quieter when you’re single; no kids screaming their heads off for the hell of it, no spouse to yell at you, no expensive things being broken, no uninvited guests such as your kids’ friends or your spouse’s friends, no girl scouts or boy scouts, the phone doesn’t ring off the hook as if your house is a business place and all is left is a peace and quiet.
The television doesn’t remain on whenever the kids run loose around the house not watching anything, the lights don’t stay on when you wanted them off, the food is all yours, no messes anywhere that isn’t your own, nothing is moved and nothing is broken (Unless you yourself broke them).
The money you make is steady and it is rising, unless you’re a compulsive spender, and the only ones touching your money is you. There are fewer bills to pay and you don’t have to waste your money on anybody if you don’t want to. After all, it’s your money!
Someone might wonder why someone chooses to remain single. My answer to that is that people choose to remain single. It’s not because they’re unattractive, it’s not because they’ve been in a bad relationship, it’s not because they’re antisocial. It is because they just choose to remain single. The reasons really vary, but as I pointed out, those are not very good reasons as to why people remain single. I just choose to because I want to be single.
Would I ever be in a relationship? I have no idea, time will tell. I do like the idea of being with someone and sharing things together, but right now, I wanted to finish things up in my life and I got to stay focus. So maybe one day I might when I accomplish as much as I can.
For me, it is good to be single and without a child. That way, I can work on going through college, getting into a career that I like, earning enough money to travel around the world and maybe move to a country I feel is best for me. Maybe after all that, I may find a foreign girlfriend who shares similar interests and is right for me. It’s really about the freedom and a chance to accomplish my own goals.
Friday, January 15, 2010
Free Will
Often times I have heard Christians say that if God intervened and stopped crimes or natural disasters or has healed people, then it would be taking away our free will.
I disagree strongly with this.
If you say a child running into the street chasing after a ball and the car is coming up, would it be taking away the child’s free will if you were to save that child’s life?
If a young girl was being drug into some shady guy’s car screaming and pleading for him not to hurt her, would it be against her free will if you save her life?
If a man who is a cashier was held at gunpoint at a grocery store and the guy demands cash, would it be against their free will if the police intervenes?
If there is a tornado coming, an old woman is walking in her crutches outside, would it be taking away her free will if you help get her to safety?
This is about helping people and showing that you care about them. If the God, who is supposed to be all loving, exists, wouldn’t he do that?
If we did nothing to help people, it would be callous of us. Why wouldn’t it be the same with their God?
If the God exists and appears before me, I doubt my free will would have been taken away. We may even have a chat just like with any other person.
If the God stops me from walking into the street where there is a car driving out of control and at high speed, my free will is not taken. This is no different if it is another human who stops me.
People intervenes all the time, helping people or maybe even hurt them, so it is not really taking away free will, intervening is no different from simply interacting with other people.
People counsels other people (Counselors, psychiatrists), takes care of people (Doctors, caregivers, nurses and the like), some protects people (police, guards, parents, military and the like),
Some help people from overseas (Doctors without borders, people who donates to help people) and many more.
But there are hardened criminals, there are natural disasters that takes lives of the unfortunates including the diseases.
Some Christians likes to say, “When people do those things, there is no reason for God to intervene.”
But the God is the one who brought the problems onto us in the first place. This is like letting wolves come into your house and devour your family.
I’m not saying that life should be all rainbows and ponies, but where is the sense in allowing people to kidnap, rape, murder, torture or molest people?
Where is the sense in allowing thousands to die in earthquakes, Tsunamis, hurricanes or tornadoes?
Where is the sense in allowing children to die of cancer, people to die of AIDs, or any other diseases?
If one were to say, “So we can relate to the experience of others’ suffering,” then I would say that this person is a sick, twisted individual.
Why make them suffer and then make others suffer in order to relate to the suffering?
So if I were to take a knife, cut up a little girl’s arm and leave her to bleed, and do the same to another girl just so she can experience what the other girl experienced, does that sound reasonable to you?
Does that make any sense whatsoever?
No. That would make me a monster. Thus, Christians who says that, considers their God a monster themselves. What’s even worse, they don’t mind it!
Where is the sense in all this? This also doesn’t sound like he wasn’t intervening because he was concerned for our free will, he was being a sadistic person who enjoys sufferings.
Some Christians may say, “God works through doctors.”
So he does intervene, but through doctors. Why? What’s the point of all this?
If God wants to help people find cures and to save lives, then why did he make the problems happen in the first place? I thought he doesn’t intervene.
Some Christians likes to put the blame on Satan, “Satan does those evil things, God does not!”
Then why did the Bible say God created peace and evil? He said, “Who created evil, but I the lord your God, does all of these things.”
Your God created everything right? If he created everything, he created evil too. So your God is responsible for this.
So here’s the summary for all this:
1) Your God does not intervene because it would take away our free will.
2) Satan does the evil things, but God created everything, including evil.
3) God does intervene (Which makes it a contradiction on their part) through doctors.
4) God makes people suffer so that they can relate to other people’s suffering.
So overall, God created everything, including evil, does and does not intervene and has allowed people to suffer so they can relate to the people he has made them suffer in the first place.
Yet God is an all loving, all knowing, all powerful God who loves us all but will send us to hell because of Sin. God doesn’t want us to go to hell and allows us to make a choice.
The choice is this: if we follow Christ, we’ll go to Heaven, but if we don’t, we’ll burn in hell forever. Does any of this make any sense to you?