Monday, January 25, 2010

5 reasons not to have children.

Here are my five reasons not to have children.

1) If you are going to dedicate your life to a career, travel, or anything that is so time consuming, then don't have children. Children are a full time job and they require a lot of attention. I mean A LOT of attention.

2) Say goodbye to your money. All your hard earnings are going to run like the waterfalls. You need to spend thousands on clothes, food, education, medical bills, dental bills, and many things. If you're poor, don't even THINK about having kids. That is one big major mistake poor parents make.

3) If you can't stand the yelling, screaming, crying kids and you consider them a nuisance, don't have kids. Trust me on this one, having kids will turn you into a bad parent whether you intended to be or not.

4) There is already a lot of children without homes, so instead of popping out a mini you, try thinking about adopting if you plan on being a parent. But i would ask you to test yourself and learn to see if you're fit enough to be a parent financially, emotionally, psychologically, and psychically.

5) Don't have kids if you don't know how to be a parent. Learn before you even THINK about popping out little minatures of yourself.

Saturday, January 23, 2010

i don't like bowling or golf.

here's my reasons for both of the golf and bowling:

1) They're boring.

2) They are not exciting as people makes it out to be.

One thing i don't like about bowling is the gutters. Everytime i bowl, my stupid ball keeps going into the fucking gutter more times than hitting the fucking pins. I wanted to grab a shotgun and shoot the motherfucking pins.

No, it's not because i wanted to win, it's because i can hardly enjoy bowling when the ball keeps going to the gutter too many times.

One thing i don't like about Golf is that it is a stressful game. I don't like stressful games. Why is it stressful? Try fucking getting your ball to the fucking path where you wanted it to go. Fuck that shit.

Again, it's not about the winning. I don't give a fuck when i win or lose, i just can't have fun when the ball goes the wrong way you wanted it to.

I'm just not a bowler type or a golfer type. I'm a type of guy who writes stuff, debates people, I like to make animations and little movies like with the Sims, i like to travel places but i am not a sports type, unless you count Kendo and martial arts. Those are the ones i like best.

Friday, January 22, 2010

reasons why I choose to remain single

Why do I choose to remain single?

Why the hell should I get into a relationship anyway? What business is it of theirs? I own my own body and my decision is my own to make. I choose to remain single for several great reasons.

When it comes to the noises, it’s actually much quieter when you’re single; no kids screaming their heads off for the hell of it, no spouse to yell at you, no expensive things being broken, no uninvited guests such as your kids’ friends or your spouse’s friends, no girl scouts or boy scouts, the phone doesn’t ring off the hook as if your house is a business place and all is left is a peace and quiet.

The television doesn’t remain on whenever the kids run loose around the house not watching anything, the lights don’t stay on when you wanted them off, the food is all yours, no messes anywhere that isn’t your own, nothing is moved and nothing is broken (Unless you yourself broke them).

The money you make is steady and it is rising, unless you’re a compulsive spender, and the only ones touching your money is you. There are fewer bills to pay and you don’t have to waste your money on anybody if you don’t want to. After all, it’s your money!

Someone might wonder why someone chooses to remain single. My answer to that is that people choose to remain single. It’s not because they’re unattractive, it’s not because they’ve been in a bad relationship, it’s not because they’re antisocial. It is because they just choose to remain single. The reasons really vary, but as I pointed out, those are not very good reasons as to why people remain single. I just choose to because I want to be single.

Would I ever be in a relationship? I have no idea, time will tell. I do like the idea of being with someone and sharing things together, but right now, I wanted to finish things up in my life and I got to stay focus. So maybe one day I might when I accomplish as much as I can.

For me, it is good to be single and without a child. That way, I can work on going through college, getting into a career that I like, earning enough money to travel around the world and maybe move to a country I feel is best for me. Maybe after all that, I may find a foreign girlfriend who shares similar interests and is right for me. It’s really about the freedom and a chance to accomplish my own goals.

Friday, January 15, 2010

Free Will

The Free Will

Often times I have heard Christians say that if God intervened and stopped crimes or natural disasters or has healed people, then it would be taking away our free will.

I disagree strongly with this.

If you say a child running into the street chasing after a ball and the car is coming up, would it be taking away the child’s free will if you were to save that child’s life?

If a young girl was being drug into some shady guy’s car screaming and pleading for him not to hurt her, would it be against her free will if you save her life?

If a man who is a cashier was held at gunpoint at a grocery store and the guy demands cash, would it be against their free will if the police intervenes?

If there is a tornado coming, an old woman is walking in her crutches outside, would it be taking away her free will if you help get her to safety?

This is about helping people and showing that you care about them. If the God, who is supposed to be all loving, exists, wouldn’t he do that?

If we did nothing to help people, it would be callous of us. Why wouldn’t it be the same with their God?

If the God exists and appears before me, I doubt my free will would have been taken away. We may even have a chat just like with any other person.

If the God stops me from walking into the street where there is a car driving out of control and at high speed, my free will is not taken. This is no different if it is another human who stops me.

People intervenes all the time, helping people or maybe even hurt them, so it is not really taking away free will, intervening is no different from simply interacting with other people.

People counsels other people (Counselors, psychiatrists), takes care of people (Doctors, caregivers, nurses and the like), some protects people (police, guards, parents, military and the like),

Some help people from overseas (Doctors without borders, people who donates to help people) and many more.

But there are hardened criminals, there are natural disasters that takes lives of the unfortunates including the diseases.

Some Christians likes to say, “When people do those things, there is no reason for God to intervene.”

But the God is the one who brought the problems onto us in the first place. This is like letting wolves come into your house and devour your family.

I’m not saying that life should be all rainbows and ponies, but where is the sense in allowing people to kidnap, rape, murder, torture or molest people?

Where is the sense in allowing thousands to die in earthquakes, Tsunamis, hurricanes or tornadoes?

Where is the sense in allowing children to die of cancer, people to die of AIDs, or any other diseases?

If one were to say, “So we can relate to the experience of others’ suffering,” then I would say that this person is a sick, twisted individual.

Why make them suffer and then make others suffer in order to relate to the suffering?

So if I were to take a knife, cut up a little girl’s arm and leave her to bleed, and do the same to another girl just so she can experience what the other girl experienced, does that sound reasonable to you?

Does that make any sense whatsoever?

No. That would make me a monster. Thus, Christians who says that, considers their God a monster themselves. What’s even worse, they don’t mind it!

Where is the sense in all this? This also doesn’t sound like he wasn’t intervening because he was concerned for our free will, he was being a sadistic person who enjoys sufferings.

Some Christians may say, “God works through doctors.”

So he does intervene, but through doctors. Why? What’s the point of all this?

If God wants to help people find cures and to save lives, then why did he make the problems happen in the first place? I thought he doesn’t intervene.

Some Christians likes to put the blame on Satan, “Satan does those evil things, God does not!”

Then why did the Bible say God created peace and evil? He said, “Who created evil, but I the lord your God, does all of these things.”

Your God created everything right? If he created everything, he created evil too. So your God is responsible for this.

So here’s the summary for all this:

1) Your God does not intervene because it would take away our free will.
2) Satan does the evil things, but God created everything, including evil.
3) God does intervene (Which makes it a contradiction on their part) through doctors.
4) God makes people suffer so that they can relate to other people’s suffering.

So overall, God created everything, including evil, does and does not intervene and has allowed people to suffer so they can relate to the people he has made them suffer in the first place.

Yet God is an all loving, all knowing, all powerful God who loves us all but will send us to hell because of Sin. God doesn’t want us to go to hell and allows us to make a choice.

The choice is this: if we follow Christ, we’ll go to Heaven, but if we don’t, we’ll burn in hell forever. Does any of this make any sense to you?